Saturday, December 28, 2019

Pun Definition and Examples in English

A pun is a  play on words, either on different senses of the same word or on the similar sense or sound of different words. Known in rhetoric as paronomasia. Puns are figures of speech based on the inherent ambiguities of language. Although puns are commonly regarded as a childish form of humor, they are often found in advertisements and newspaper headlines. Poet  Louis Untermeyer said that punning is like poetry: something every person belittles and every person attempts. A person who is fond of making puns is called a punster. (The punster, it has been said, is a person who enjoys hearing his friends groan.) Examples and Observations To pun is to treat homonyms as synonyms.(Walter Redfern, Puns: More Senses Than One. John Wiley Sons, 1986)I would like to go to Holland someday. Wooden shoe?There was a man who entered a pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.(Brian Becker et al., A Prairie Home Companion Pretty Good Joke Book, 3rd ed. HighBridge, 2003)When it rains, it pours.(slogan of Morton Salt since 1911)When it pours, it reigns.(slogan of Michelin tires)Kings worry about a receding heir line.What food these morsels be!(slogan of Heinz pickles, 1938)American Home has an edifice complex.(slogan of American Home magazine)Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight(Dylan Thomas, Do not go gentle into that good night)Look deep into our ryes.(slogan of Wiglers Bakery)Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted.(Fred Allen)Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.(Groucho Marx) I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!(Canadian comedian Stewart Francis, quoted by Mark Brown in Edinburgh Fringes 10 Funniest Jokes Revealed. The Guardian, August 20, 2012)A vulture boards a plane, carrying two dead possums. The attendant looks at him and says, Im sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger. Writers on Puns Punning is an art of harmonious jingling upon words, which, passing in at the ears, and falling upon the diaphragm, excites a titillary motion in those parts; and this, being conveyed by the animal spirits into the muscles of the face, raises the cockles of the heart.(Jonathan Swift, The Physical Definition of Punning According to Cardan)A pun is not bound by the laws which limit nicer wit. It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.(Charles Lamb, That the Worst Puns are the Best)Sir, no man ever condemned a good pun who was able to make one. I know not a more aggrieved and unjustly proscribed character in the present day than the poor painstaking punster. He is the Paria of the dining-table; it is the fashion to run him down: and as every dull ass thinks that he may have a kick at the prostrate witling, may I be condemned to pass a whole week without punning (a fearful adjuration!) if I do not show that the greatest sages, poets, and philosophers of all ages, have been enrolled upon this proscribed list!(Horace Smith, On Puns and Punsters. Gaieties and Gravities, 1826)People who make puns are like wanton boys that put coppers on the railroad tracks. They amuse themselves and other children, but their little trick may upset a freight train of conversation for the sake of a battered witticism.(Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Autocrat the Breakfast-Table, 1858) Fangtasia Sookie Stackhouse: So Ive been listening in on peoples thoughts, hoping I might hear something to clear him and apparently theres this vampire bar where Maudette and Dawn used to hang out at in Shreveport. You know it?Bill Compton: Fangtasia.Sookie Stackhouse: Fang-tasia?Bill Compton: You have to remember that most vampires are very old. Puns used to be the highest form of humor.(Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer in Escape from Dragon House. True Blood, 2008) Obscene Puns All obscene puns have the same underlying construction in that they consist of two elements. The first element sets the stage for the pun by offering seemingly harmless material, such as the title of a book, The Tigers Revenge. But the second element either is obscene in itself or renders the first element obscene as in the name of the author of The Tigers Revenge--Claude Bawls.(Peter Farb, Word Play, 1974) The Instability of Language Forgetting what we know can often be hard. Entirely apart from the intrinsic challenge of willfully forgetting or ignoring what we think we know, the insights we gain from that can also be unsettling or destabilizing. Puns, by revealing the inherent instability of language, work in much the same way. In one sense they are a tacit acknowledgment of rules because you have to know a rule if youre going to cleverly break it. But at the same time, by scrambling the relationship between sound, symbol, and meaning, puns reveal that the words we use to define the world around us are ultimately just arbitrary signs.(John Pollack, The Pun Also Rises. Gotham Books, 2011) The Equivoque—A Special Type of Pun A special type of pun, known as the equivoque, is the use of a single word or phrase which has two disparate meanings, in a context which makes both meanings equally relevant. An example is the phrase come to dust in a song from Shakespeares Cymbeline: Golden lads and girls all must, / As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.(M.H. Abrams and Geoffrey Galt Harpham, A Glossary of Literary Terms, 8th ed. Wadsworth, 2005) Punning and Paronomasia in Films Where the figurative meaning of a word is confronted by its literal image, the pun is rather more filmic. . . . As we see the police raising a car from the Thames, the voice of a radio commentator expresses the confident opinion that the thieves who stole the gold bricks would find their loot too hot to handle. Two of them are now seen with tongs, lifting a glowing retort out of a furnace and pouring gold into molds of the Eiffel Tower. There are several such puns in The Lavender Hill Mob (Charles Crichton).(N. Roy Clifton, The Figure in Film. Associated University Presses, 1983)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Education And Training Of The Outdoors - 1518 Words

EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE OUTDOORS I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand (Confucius – Chinese philosopher 551 BC – 479 BC). This quote, although it is old, still resonates in the way we learn today. To further understand, we have to understand what affective learning is. Affective domain of learning is area of learning concerned with feelings or emotions associated with learning. It is the acquisition of behaviours involved in expressing feelings in attitudes, motivation, values, appreciation and enthusiasm. (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973). Affective learning involves: †¢ Receiving: The learner willing to receive information e.g. willingness to learn a new skill like rock climbing †¢ Responding: The learner’s active attention to the instructions e.g. when shown how to properly use a karabiner and belay devices. †¢ Valuing: The learner respecting the instructor or teacher’s directions and committing to learning the new skill †¢ Organization: The learner’s ability to prioritise feelings and emotions concerning the new skills †¢ Characterisation: The learner’s internalisation of the skills learnt and behaviours relating to philosophy and characterising of values. Affective domain of learning usually involves the learner accepting instructions then attempting the task that has been set before them. If in a group with other learners, there is usually support as well as questions due to the fact that there is only much the teacher can teach about a taskShow MoreRelatedRecreational Sports Research1552 Words   |  7 PagesExamining leadership development through student leader outdoor recreation training. Recreational sports journal. 39, 49-58. Doi: 10.1123/rsj.2014-0034 In this article, the researchers are looking on at how outdoor training trips helped students develop their leadership identity, and the factors that were present. With the use of interviews, they created a qualitative study in which student trip leaders reflected from their time on a training trip on the San Juan River. The researchers used the KomivesRead MoreEmployee Training and Development Paper1057 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Employee Training and Development Paper Employee training and development is very important in organizations. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Strategy of International Expansion ANZ Bank - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Strategy of International Expansion ANZ Bank. Answer: Introduction Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited has secured the third position in the banking industry of Australia ( It deals with commercial and retail banking service and has its branch in other countries. The aggressive expansion of the bank in the market of certain Asian countries like India and Japan has attracted the eyes of various investors and the company has taken various strategy formulations like modification of e-banking system and procedural effectiveness in case of insurance for global expansion. The bank is maintaining a strategic alliance in the Asian markets and providing all the possible technical assistance for assessing the risk management (Murray et al. 2014). Besides the large foreign sectors, the bank is also concentrating on the small business entities. The strategic structure of the bank to sell its products or providing services to the international markets is quite well planned. However, the company is under the pressure of integrating the ir global operations to comply with laws, and policies lay down by international organisations like the World Bank. The need to provide uniform high standard services to customers all across the globe has also led this MNC bank to integrate its global operations. Considering this system, the bank has maintained similar and uniform strategies in the Asian countries. Additionally, there are certain problems that the banks have to face in international markets comparing to the domestic markets. The marketing standard is quite unstable and future of the banks in the international market is quite unpredictable in nature. Therefore, reputed banking corporations like ANZ Corporation has to chalk out proper plan to continue its business to reduce the market risks. In this case, it has been observed that the bank is planning to expand their business in the countries like France, Brazil and Korea and the bank is required to assess the marketing structure and size estimation of these countries . The bank also needs to examine all the potential problems of these markets and define the cultural aspects that may affect the market entry policies of the bank. Discussion Structural difference The objective of ANZ Corporation is to create its influence on the European market including France by generating customer friendly schemes and provide guarantees of the financial independence ( The plan of the bank should be long-term in nature and the bank has to develop a uniform strategy for the European market. However, the proposed countries are France, Brazil and Korea and in this case, the bank is required to analyse the different marketing structure of these countries (Mahmoud et al. 2016). The environment of business structure in France is quite friendly and favourable. However, there are certain cultural differences and legislative instructions imposed on the international financial institutions. The conventional circulation outlets of France are being interrupted by modern players and the banking system of France is advanced to the level of digital economy (Peppard and Ward 2016). Revolution in the French banking system has been observed since 1980 and has created implications on the integration process. It has been observed that the French banks are providing incentives to the non-financial agents and states play important role to manage the functioning of banking system. The economical position of France is high and privatisation of banks has enabled more flow of financial capital into the country thus, strengthening it (Hanafizadeh, Keating and Khedmatgozar 2014). Unlike France, Brazil is a developing country and therefore, has its own banking and financial structure. It is important to make a developed personal relationship with the country. Brazil is the largest South American country and follows the structure of free market economy. However, the banking industry and economical out-base of the country is mostly depending on the modern technology and the market structure of Brazil is capitalist in nature (Barros and Wanke 2014). However, a large unemployment scale can observe in Brazil recently. Korea is divided into two portions and in this paper; the financial market of South Korea is being discussed. South Korea is experiencing a downtown in case of financial business and the financial system of the country got crushed. The banking system of this country is not that much competitive. Most of the banking loans and bonds are intend to cover short-term borrowings and the accounting management is opaque in nature (Ettredge, Xu and Yi 2014). However, the Korean government has taken many effective steps for the betterment of the financial and marketing system of the country. Like France, the Korean financial system is privatized and in the absence of any proper planning, the Korean banks are facing downturn (Garcia 2016). It has observed that all the three countries have their own and different marketing criteria and have been trying to establish their financial system on the hard base. The financial system of France and Brazil are quite stable and developed. The economic growth is attractive and many investors engaged their money due to financial security (Martins, Oliveira and Popovi? 2014). On the other hand, in case of Korea, the back bone of the financial system is weak and there is no uniform banking code. The financial market is hampered by the laxity of structural reform.However, the government of that country is trying their best to bring a financial revolution for improvement of industrial and financial system of the country. Estimation of potential size and profitability The ANZ Banking Corporation is intending to promote certain banking related brands in the markets of Brazil, France and South Korea. In this case, a final assessment of the markets of this country is required. The chosen banking products are loans and bonds, hedging solution, online foreign exchange dealings which the bank decides to provide in these countries. The potential size of France is quite attractive as this country has secured its place in the European financial market and as per the data of 2016; it is the third largest economy in Europe. The industrial framework of this country has helped to contribute enough for the development of economy. The GDP growth of the country has been risen gradually and the marginal acceleration of the country regarding economical growth has been increased 0.1% in 2016 compare to 2015. The future demand in the banking sector is high in France and the tax credits and investment prospects are well developed (Petria, Capraru and Ihnatov 2015). Henceforth, it is obvious to state that there are sheer chances of profits in the market of France (Borio, Gambacorta and Hofmann 2017). Like France, the economy of Brazil is also high and the country is considered as the ninth largest economy of the world. Due to the mixed economic system, the banking and financial sector of Brazil has secured a profitable and stable place (Schaeck and Cihk 2014). It has been observed that the economic transformation of Brazil has helped to bring a sustainable growth in the economic and financial market and therefore, Brazil is quite a good option for the international banks to establish their branches. The market size of the Brazil is also quite good. South Korea is an Asian country and also follows the mixed economical system. The Korean economy has faced lots of financial crisis (Lee, Song and Kwak 2014). However, the policies taken by the South Korean government are quite good in nature and helped to bring a change in the financial market of the country. The developing nature of the country has opened certain horizontal situation for the international banks and there is a possibility for the extra profits thereby. Potential problems There is no doubt that investment in international markets is quite risky compare to the domestic market due to its instability. There are certain other problems positioned in case of international market. It is not possible for the banking and the financial sectors to predict the future profitability of the banks or branches of the banks in the international countries. A bank is required to examine all the potential problems and market analysis of the proposed countries for avoiding future risks. ANZ is an Australian bank and wants to provide certain banking services to countries like France, Brazil and Korea. However, every bank has to face certain common dilemmas in case of international expansions and that can be categorised as follows: Every bank wants to earn certain profits from the international market and establish their portraits on global base. However, profit making strategies are not always successful. Therefore, there is a chance for the bank or institution to face huge loss and could not make enough resource for its shareholders. It is hard to meet all the demands of the international customers and there is a possibility to thorough degradation in the financial sectors. The modern banking sectors are wholly based on technology and a disruption of conventional banking system has been deteriorated. The cultural differences are also affecting the profitable character of the banks. International banks like ANZ are facing serious problems for establishing uniform regulatory system in every country and stable profits are become impossible for the banks. France and Brazil are stronger than the condition of Korea financially; therefore, the bank has to take different marketing strategy for Korea. Future Developments Brazil There is a huge scope for future developments of the Brazilian market. Brazil is one of the few countries that have been suffering from recession still now as they have been struggling to meet the demands of the modern economic market. International Monitory Fund has predicted that the country will experience a very slow growth amongst all the other developing economies (Garcia 2016). The inflation rate of the mentioned South American country is too much high and the huge deficit in the budget of the country has been one of the main reasons behind the bad economic condition of the country. However the most important thing about the economy of Brazil is its capability to move through extreme conditions in a very short period of time. However the management of ANZ bank has predicted that the banking industry will see a rapid change in the market after the implementation of some latest Banking Practices; Customization of Currencies Social Media Banking Mobile Wallets/Mobile Banking. South Korea South Korea on the other hand is a well developed economy and its economic condition is in sharp contrast with the developing economies. However the country has also its own set of problems which tends to disrupt its banking structure. Banking is becoming increasingly less personal and customers have been adapting themselves in exactly the same way that the banks want them to be. A market survey conducted by the management team of ANZ bank has revealed that the bank branches have been disappearing each and every day, paving the way for mobile banking experience (Garcia 2016). South Korea leads the pack of Asian giants when it comes to the highest internet penetration and it is no strange that people there are over dependent on the internet for availing the banking services. Social media also plays a great role as people are regularly updated about new products and other features that are provided by the banks. The management of ANZ Bank has predicted a digital banking structure in th e country in the coming future. France France is one of the most sought after countries for international investment. Most of the top bodies of the world as well as for Europe has their headquarters located in the mentioned country. The amount of opportunities that they provide to the investors has helped the French Market to be one of the most competitive as well as the best in Europe. This hhas been possible just because of the presence of; Research and Development Sectors Financial Sectors Production Sectors Start Up initiatives ANZ Bank has recently commenced operations in the country from their solo branch located in Paris. According to the management of the company, Banks in France are today facing rapid and irreversible changes across technologies, customer behavior and regulation. This results into the industrys current shape and has ensured the longevity and sustainability of the operating models of the banks in the country. Consideration of Foreign Exchange and Trade Implication Foreign Exchange helps to identify the process of converting the domestic currency into International banknotes at some particular exchange rates. These transactions present distinct ramifications for the global economy. The rates offered in foreign exchange affect the international trade, capital flows and political statement (Pietrobelli Puppato 2016). ANZ Bank is a regulator of Foreign exchange currency and has a contract with different organizations or the government of the respective currencies to issue foreign exchange currencies. ANZ Bank generally set exchange rates for a future date, exporters, importers and the investors to hedge the foreign currency cash flows. The management of the bank usually fixes the foreign exchange contract for a fixed term, for a fixed delivery date or for both but with an additional optional delivery period. The company also engages itself in deciding spot foreign exchange rates at the time when the delivery date is close to just two clear busines s days after the date the rate is quoted (Finkel 2015). Cultural Aspects Impacting Entry The number of companies that operate internationally has been on a rise. The globe is opening up for new foreign firms and new business opportunities are growing. The high competitive market in almost every country especially in the markets of the developing economies has made it even much tougher for the companies to maintain their stability (Finkel 2015). However the firms have accepted the challenge and are constantly innovating new forms of strategies that help them to have an advantage in the market. ANZ Bank is also no different as the recent opening of their Paris branch marks the 34th area of their operations globally. One of the officers of the following bank explains that it is one of the most difficult jobs to enter an unknown market and quickly getting accustomed to its style, culture and other related factors for performing the operations of the business in a smooth manner. As mentioned earlier the bank has been expanding slowly globally and thus they have to face a numb er of new obstacles among which culture stands out to be the main hindrance to the company. Culture can influence the company in many ways (Holmes et al. 2016). Language problems, pricing difficulties and cultural collisions are quite common in the beginning stages (King 2016). ANZ Bank appoints local management teams in each of the countries to make sure that they face no problems while carrying out its operations. The local regulatory bodies of the bank trains the employees according to the cultural aspects of the country where they operate and must be extra cautious to fit into the cultural methods like the quality of service that the customers like, their demands, any special demands and other such related aspects. The cultural aspect in Brazil is vastly different from those in South Korea and France. The people in Brazil are totally new to mobile banking and thus the bank has to wait for some time (Pietrobelli and Puppato 2016). As the people are not used to foreign culture it is important for the management to provide the time. On the other hand South Korea being a developed country, the customers expects everything to be in time and thus ANZ Bank must act promptly to serve the customers in a proper manner. The bank has to go through the initial difficulties to adapt to the culture of the international countries. Some of the main cultural aspects of different countries that the organization has to be aware are; Shaking Hands- There is a tradition of shaking hands with the customers of the banks in many countries whereas there are countries where people do not like shaking hands as it stands against their culture to do so. The employees of the bank must be careful while formally interacting with the customers in different countries. Use of Surnames- There are countries where use of surnames is acceptable. On the other hand in countries like Brazil the use of first name is more preferable. Whereas in the other countries like France and South Korea there is a preference for the use of surnames. Exchange of Business Cards- The issue of business cards is the same in all the mentioned countries. The management of ANZ Bank believes the business cards to be one of the most essential components of business (Pietrobelli and Puppato 2016). These are to be exchanged only at the first meeting itself so that each person can know each other the cards must be in public display so that one can easily learn the name of the other person while negotiating. Translations- Each of the offices of ANZ bank located overseas must have translators to make sure that they do not face any problem while interacting with people in their mother tongue. Conclusion The assignment has been successful in determining the different elements of the market entry with new products. The researcher has taken the help of different elements like the predicted developments in the future, market growth rate and other important specifications that has been helpful to make the project attain a concrete role. There are certain key points that ANZ Bank must keep in mind before entering in new markets. Some of them are; The timing of entry into the markets The type of markets that they enter The type of products that the company chooses Mode of Entry in the market The decision categories comprises of a number of different elements. The products that are to be introduced in the market by ANZ needs to be carefully assessed and formulated according to the necessary specifications of each of the countries where the company wishes to establish it. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hypothetical Description Various Techniques-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Hypothetical Description Various Techniques? Answer: Introduction This chapter entails a clear hypothetical description of various techniques which will be applied in the field when carrying out research. Under this chapter, there is a description of techniques which were used in the entire chapter to enhance the researchers establishment of the gaps on organizational change. The techniques are as follows research design, research strategies, data collection methods, and data analysis. Each of these techniques is discussed in detail in this chapter. Research Philosophy This is concerned with the source, nature, and creation of knowledge. This idea appears profound it is part of completing the dissertation. The secondary and primary data were collected and then conduct data analysis to solve the research question. This way a new knowledge mushrooms. The research philosophy was pursuing in this research work was pragmatism as it involves quantitative and qualitative data analysis approach. Research Approach A research approach has a lot of interdependence with the hypothesis relevancy. In this research, the approach pursued involved deductive approach. The validity of the hypothesis was tested and the findings used to come to conclusions. Research Strategies Regarding the theoretical studies of the research, the implication of the questions of the investigation, research strategy relies on the research design. The research will use the following strategies to gather data from the field to analyze organizational change; Case study which attempts to describe relationships which can exist on the authenticity of the review problem that is organizational change, and very vivid in the Central Administrative Services Tobago (C.A.S.T). Through the case study the information may be quantitative or qualitative, and by the approach of the researcher, information gathered and the diagnostic techniques which are employed. Authenticity is caught in larger detail by an observer, on the examination of the research variables. Case studies enhance holistic review hence clear understanding since the researcher uses a wide range of tools for the research. Through this, there is the creation of space and a lot of time to establish clear understanding on the topic and to establish factors influencing the study. On the other hand, the case studies reduce the incidence of biases. The limitations of case studies are the restriction they are given hence difficult to generate the findings or data gathered as related case studies are with similar data that can be used during analysis are not available. Also, different research may have different interpretations. They have wider relevance since the data cannot be generalized since they are wide and they are time-consuming to study. The interpretations must be made with an open mind. Looking at the research from different dimensions help in identifying all the possible interpretation of the results of the study. (Fedor, Caldwell and Herold, 2006.). Secondly, the researcher will use a survey to gather information in the field that is data of practical, situations or views in each point through questionnaires and interviews. The quantitative technique can be used to in drawing inferences from the information gathered depending on the possible relationship to the study. The survey has a significance since it allows the study to be carried out intensively. Intensive study is useful since it ensures that the conclusions made at the end of the study portray the truth and has minimal biases. It is not to make conclusions that are half-baked only because of the methods used to collect data. This, therefore, leads to the observation that surveys should be used to collect data. However, to have the best results, it is to use multiple methods to collect data from the field. The use of surveys, questionnaires, observations and secondary methods of collecting data would, therefore, yield the best result for most study. The methods used shou ld, however, be directly applicable to the study. For instance, it would be advisable to use methods such as observations in an experimental laboratory setting. However, when the study involves people, questionnaires must be incorporated to reinforce the information collected through the testing. The results from the questionnaires would be useful in eliminating various assumption. The report obtained from the experiment done would, however, confirm the expectation is giving a clear view of the discussion and eliminating biases. Research Design Research design can be described as all tactics that the researcher can select to use in incorporating various elements in a systematic and comprehensible way thus enhancing the research problem under organizational change is addressed clearly. This method involves the collection and analysis of data for describing the occurrence of the currents status or condition. The research design is a section that entails research philosophies which are quantitative and qualitative. These philosophies are described in any research. The understanding of the philosophies is important for the analysis of the research study. That means therefore that, a lot of emphases should be put in the clear description of the philosophies for easier interpretation of the research by readers. Qualitative philosophy is a simple explanation of the research data. Through it, there is a comprehension of the underlying explanations, views, and inspirations on organizational change as the study. Qualitative has a great significance since it provides understanding on the problem of study or it helps the researcher to develop the hypothesis required for the study. It uses structured and semi-structured techniques that is focus groups, one on one interviews and observation. Through this, the sample size is relatively small, and a few respondents are selected to provide a given information. The use of small sample size and few respondents make the use qualitative methods most desirable. Ideally, most people find qualitative methods to be simple and easier to work with. It is a fact that having any respondents always analyze data to be quite a cumbersome task not only to the researcher but also to the people reading the research. Research would be less useful if it can only be inter preted by the people who conducted the research. The work of a research paper is always to report the findings of a study. This reporting become beneficial to everyone only if it is done in a way that would be easily understood. This explanation proves why the qualitative methods would be more desirable. Quantitative methods quantify the situation by generating numerical data or data can be transferred into statistics that can be used. This philosophy is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors and another variable to obtain data of the larger sample population. This quantitative philosophy is more structured as compared to qualitative since it includes surveys, face to face interviews, longitudinal studies, website studies, polls and systematic observation (Van de Ven, and Poole, 1995, pp. 520). The use of quantitative methods supplements the qualitative approaches. This supplementation is in a sense they help in giving value to the aspects being studied. Assigning values or quantities to research makes it more realistic and applicable in real life situation. The study uses qualitative philosophy since it requires a small sample from the Central Administrative Services Tobago (C.A.S.T, the number of respondents needed to represent the whole or the entire population is low. The philosophy has various limitations that are; the quality of the research is highly dependent on skills of the researcher, and it is easily influenced by the biases, and in addition accuracy it is hard to maintain, assess and demonstrate on the data, it is time-consuming method on the analysis and interpretation of data due to the amount of data, its hard to understand and interpret, and the respondents are affected due to the presence of the researcher during data collection since they cannot respond well. On the other hand, during data collection using this technique the issue of confidentiality is difficult hence some information might miss (Kumar, S., and Phrommathed. Pp. 45). These limitations can be reduced only by the researcher. To have a high-quality researc her, the person conducting the research must be highly skilled. This helps in avoiding any errors that could arise during the research. Identification of other biases of the research early enough is also useful in ensuring high quality of the research being done. As mentioned earlier, the qualitative methods always give an enormous amount of information. The challenge with this kind of data or information is of interpretation. So much effort is put in trying to make sense of the information provided by the research. Data Sources And Collection Methods The use questionnaires were the most important instrument which will be used to gather the primary data; the researcher used a mixture of both types of questions that are open-ended and closed-ended questions where the liker scale will be utilized that strongly disagrees, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly concur in a table form. The use of questionnaire has a greater significance since it is easy to administer, they are less costly, and they ensure a greater depth of response. Using a questionnaire, the capture of information is more efficient and useful for the study questionnaires are more economical and has appropriate reasons (Reinharz and Davidman, 1992). The researcher used observation method to view documents and observe the behavior of participants to gather information. The researcher, in this case, viewed both published and unpublished literature based on different texts related to the topic of study that various textbooks and journals. The researcher also observed the behavior of the participants in the field. Observation is easy in access to situations and people where questionnaires and interviews can't work; they are good in explaining the content and give first-hand information, enhances depth understanding of the research hence easy to analyze data. On the other hand, observations are time-consuming, and its hard to study the past occurrence alternatively they don't have other option they depend on the documents available. The method of observation gives first-hand information in the research. (Goldman, Schloss, and Statger, 1976, pp. 230). The researcher will use structured, semi-structured and unstructured interviews. In a structured interview, the researcher will use a set of questions in each order which is closed-ended questions. The formal interview is easy to test for the reality of the information or data gathered, and they are easy to conduct as it takes a brief period enhancing broad cross-section of data can be obtained. Interviews also have; limitations to the users that is they are no flexible that is the order or the schedule required in the interview should be followed, and the answers given lack required details. Sometimes questionnaires designed for the research are also administered in the form of interviews. (Aguilera, 2007, pp. 840). An unstructured interview is where sometimes interview schedule are not used thus it only has open-ended questions some can be added or removed in the headway. They have significance since they are more flexible as some question can be added, they generate qualitative data and finally, they give a depth understanding as they give the interviewer an opportunity to ask more. An unstructured interview is time-consuming to gather information from the respondents, and it is expensive to train and employ interviewers (Zhou, David, and Li. 2007). Focus groups it is a method of data collection where a group of people is interviewed on their ideas, perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. Through focus groups, it is easy to establish first-hand information in the study, and it gives an opinion from the respondent on how to settle the problem. Focus groups do not provide information in-depth hence resulting in gaps. Focus groups are instrumental methods of obtaining information. Just the idea of having specialist in a field seeking answers from a subject of study is noble. From the focus groups, the topic of research is often exploited widely and issues viewed from different angles. As stated earlier, the information obtained from the focus group discussions can never be outdated. Errors in the research are best avoided by ensuring that every member of the focus is a specialist in the matter being discussed. This is done because having less informed people in the discussion groups may lead to false information or sometimes. Current research greatly encourages the use of focus groups especially for research on the contemporary issues in the society. Study Sample And Sampling Techniques The researcher will select a small number of subjects which will be obtained from accessible and representative of the population. The researcher will use stratified random approach to select the data required this is because of the population ratio in the region. The approach has no biases since it obtains information in the form of sex, age, and levels. The researcher used 60% of the population to gather data. People identified through the stratified random approach would take part of this study by filling questionnaires. The questionnaires would give their view with regards to the topic being discussed. Data provided by the questionnaires would either give results to qualitative or quantitative data. This occurs based on the type of the questions asked by the questionnaires. The questionnaire must always be provided with consent forms. Moreover, before the issuing of the questionnaires, the people to fill the questionnaires must be assured of the confidentiality of the information they provide. This procedure would help ensure the honesty of the respondents. With honesty, errors in the data are significantly reduced. The sample size of the study is also a critical issue to look at during the study. Sample size would help in the calculation of the statistical parameter of the survey. Sample size can be in the form of classes that categorize the respondents based on the groups they belong to in the study, or it can comprise an estimated number of respondent per class. The example of the sample size given in table 3.1 classified the respondents based on their line of duty in the location of the research. The figures must have an estimate of the percentage of each class in the sample. The researcher will use stratified random techniques to select the required data or sample size because distinct levels of respondents will be used to give information. In probability, there is the fact that every individual in the population of research will have an equal chance to be selected. Through probability, the confidence intervals and margin errors will occur invalidating the results of the research. The researcher will divide the sample into different strata, at the final stage selection subjects will be obtained by this technique of probability creates a sample. This technique produces features which are proportional to the sample gathered. Non-probability uses on- random processes for the verdict and expediency hence researcher should determine the appropriateness of the research. This technique is easy and faster making the cost of researching to be low (Kothari, 2004). Secondary data will be gathered in the form of case studies which will be carried out in journal articles, books in the field and from the unpublished sources from within the Central Administrative Services Tobago (C.A.S.T). The use of secondary data is critical in establishing the background of the study being done. The sources from which the secondary information is obtained must be updated and relevant to the topic of the research. Reliability and validity Reliability is the ability to yield the result when different trials have been made, or in simple terms, it is the capacity to be depended upon by the researcher. Due to the use of secondary data from the reliable sources, the information can be regarded as credible. The researchers' reliance on the secondary information in the making conclusion further strengthens the reliability index. Most of the sources of primary data such as observation and interviews may be biased because respondents who are contacted were freely willing to give away their information to our survey in the field of study (Neuman and Lawrence, 2002). Obtaining a reliable data is the aim of any researcher during the study. Conclusions from reliable data can always be cited and even inferred in future. On the other hand, validity is the extent to which a test accurately measures what is supposed to be measured. Considering the dynamic changes that take place in the field, it is quite a task to enhance validity over a longer period. The validity of the research may, therefore, be interfered with because of the time lapse between the time collection of data took place and the period in which analysis and conclusion were done. Validity will also be checked during piloting to ensure that all items in the main study are functioning and it enhances data obtained to be reliable in representing a concept in the field of study. The pre-test was done in an area of the survey which is not included during the actual research undertaking. Furthermore, reliance on secondary data may generate a reliability problem on the objective thus variance from the objective of the researcher who compiled the secondary data which research is relying upon. A valid and reliable data can sometimes be accurate ( Amburgey, Kelly, and Barnett, 1990, pp. 162). Data Analysis Techniques The data will be analyzed, validated, coded, entered and cleared to detect the missing gaps in the field. The data is analyzed using the quantitative analysis process which is appropriate for the users since it focuses on large volumes of data. The first step, the researcher defined the problem of the research after which a model for the research was developed. The researcher focused on acquiring data in which the developing the solution is followed, the solution which has been prepared will be tested if it is appropriate. The results will be analyzed by the researcher, and finally, there will be need of implementing the product into the practical field. In quantitative analysis, the researcher will prepare testable proportions of data which will be gathered from the field that is turning it from images or words to numbers (Welman, Kruger and Mitchell, 2005, pp.37). The qualitative technique is concerned with small samples of the population, where data was prepared for checking if it is relevant to the study of organizational change, after which data relationships and trends were examined by the researcher. Test such as pilot test will be carried out to test the significance of the relationships in the field and the differences that may occur. Small samples may sometimes not give the information that is expected from the study. This begs the need to use the quantitative approach in obtaining samples. In this case, the data would be significant and sometimes challenge even to collect and analyze (Koul, 2009). Regarding categories of data analysis such as descriptive, exploratory, inferential and casual the selection, there will the use of qualitative analysis which considered the patterns, colors, and numbers. Tables and graphs will be the most appropriate techniques to be used in presenting findings on the organizational chance if it is effective. Bar graphs are suitable to represent a large amount of data and as are easy to construct, more attractive and easy to examine. Statistical interpretations are best made using calculations. The calculations would aid in the tabulation of the data and further graphical representation. Accuracy should be considered at all time to ensure the information presented is free of bias. It is worth noting that any error in the representation of data would still lead to wrong conclusions for the study. The analysis of data is what forms the basis of the discussion. The results section only presents the information that should be analyzed. This, therefore, explains the need for accuracy at every step of data collection, representation and analysis (Preffers, 2007, pp. 67). Research Ethics Ethics are the prescribed procedure of conducting the research in confirmative with the written laws and expectations. The research was conducted in an honest manner. Data were analyzed and the outcome reported without any bias. The interpretation of data, peer review and writing of grants, was carried out objectively with minimal bias. The confidentiality of information and the informants was strictly respected. References Kumar, S. and Phrommathed, P., 2005. Research methodology (pp. 43-50). Springer US. Kothari, C.R., 2004. Research Methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International. Reinharz, S. and Davidman, L., 1992. Feminist methods in social research. Oxford University Press. Neuman, Lawrence, L.W., 2002. Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Glaser, B. G., 1978. 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